Thursday, February 18, 2010
On my way back ... Thanks to all of you !
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Super Bowl Sunday … the memories of 43 years ago when the the Green Bay Packers won the first Super Bowl against the KC Chiefs. VINCE LOMBARDI !!!
We probably had a pre Super Bowl game in Waters backyard. We would have played in two feet of snow. It was a blast past playing football in Waters backyard. I grew up in the best neighborhood in America back in the 1960’s & ‘70s.
I was 11 years old & most likely watched the game at 108 Hilltop Rd. with my family. Mom probably went to Danzer’s on the North side to pick us up sandwiches !!! Those were the days.
Fast forward to today. We have had two weeks of Super Bowl hype. Lets see who wins today the Saints or the Colts. I am rooting for the Saints for obvious reasons ! Anyway , I will be watching the game later since it is likely I will be asleep for the night at 5:30 pm.
That kind of tells you what I have been feeling like for the past several weeks. The radiation & chemo finally caught up with me. Since January 12th my energy level has decreased dramatically. They told me this could happen & it did. I basically am good in the morning & fade throughout the day. I have developed a condition which they call “ Diabetes Insipidus”. This can happen with brain tumors. Basically it effects the pituitary gland. I cannot quench my thirst & have signs of dehydration. The biggest thing is that it zaps all of my energy. The great news is that it is treatable.
In closing the good news is that I was able to get to Florida to visit my Mom & Dad for a few days. Thanks to my doctors who got me an IV for fluids the day before I left for Florida. I would not have made it to FL if I did not get that IV. It was great to get to FL & feel some warmth !! Mom & Dad are doing well. I was able to make it to my Dad’s exercise class ( I could barely keep up) & was able to play a game of Wii Bowling with my mom.
Now I am back in the beautiful cold & snowy weather of Rochester. It has been quite a winter. Thank God I have my family & friends to keep me me warm.
Peace – Mark.