Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time to make a comeback ...

Ever heard the saying … Today is the first day of the rest of you life ? That is what today seems like for me. Yesterday was my last radiation treatment at the Wilmot Cancer Center. I would like to thank all of the Doctors, Nurses, Technicians & people that have helped me over the past 6 weeks. You all do an awesome job. Thank You !

The past 10 days have not been great. The cumulative effects of the Radiation & chemo certainly zaps the energy out of you body. I must admit I am glad round one is over.

I cannot say what the future may bring. The only thing I know is that I appreciate all of the love & prayers you have sent me since 11/8/09. So today starts the day to rebuild my body’s strength. One day at a time.

During the past year I saw the following at one of my customers … I thought I would share it with you.


“ God said .. Build a better world and I replied .. This world is such a cold and dark place and is so complicated now. I am so young & useless there is nothing I can do .

But God in all his wisdom said … “ JUST BUILD A BETTER YOU .”

Monday, January 11, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Decade Begins ...

Greetings everyone ! It has been awhile. Welcome to the new decade. I can’t believe we have already gone through ten years since Y2K !! Remember the world was supposed to stop. Here we are 10 years later !

I am ending week 5 of my treatment today. Only 7 more radiation treatments after today !! I love all of my radiation technicians but I will be happy when its over.

Between the radiation & chemotherapy it has definitely worn me down. This week has not been pleasant. Not feeling to well. I just need to balance everything out & I believe I can make it down the homestretch thanks to my family & friends that support me.

It has been interesting watching the news & sporting events over the past few weeks. My only thought is that everything revolves around the media & money $$$$. That includes the President of the United States & Tiger Woods among many others.

I have come to the conclusion that all public figures are now ENTERTAINERS. That includes our government officials & sports athletes. The media claims to be the source where we would get the “ truth” . They are so caught up in their world they don’t even know how to report the truth or facts anymore. They are the true capitalists – all they care about is $$$$. I think we should all turn off our televisions & stop reading the newspapers & all just sit down & talk again. Its time we all visited Washington DC. ALL OF US . Lets all show up on the same day sometime this summer.

I could go on & on. All I can say is I wasn’t a proponent of blogs & some of the new technology, but at least you are hearing from me directly & know you are getting facts & comments from me directly. Thanks to my Son Chris & John Doyle who set up this “blog” back in November.

I apologize for not writing earlier but just was not feeling well.

Many people have asked “ Why can I not comment ?” Its not open to the entire public. You have to have a google account to comment. Then you can sign in to comment. For those of you that have my email you can send me an email.

Anyway I am glad the way Chris & John set it up.

Lastly, I want to thank EVERYONE for the cards & everything I have received over the past few months. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE THROUGH THIS “BLOG”.

Your love & support has been overwhelming. Love to all of you & hope everyone has a great 2010 & a fantastic second decade !!

A Winter Wonderland in Rochester NY