Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Decade Begins ...

Greetings everyone ! It has been awhile. Welcome to the new decade. I can’t believe we have already gone through ten years since Y2K !! Remember the world was supposed to stop. Here we are 10 years later !

I am ending week 5 of my treatment today. Only 7 more radiation treatments after today !! I love all of my radiation technicians but I will be happy when its over.

Between the radiation & chemotherapy it has definitely worn me down. This week has not been pleasant. Not feeling to well. I just need to balance everything out & I believe I can make it down the homestretch thanks to my family & friends that support me.

It has been interesting watching the news & sporting events over the past few weeks. My only thought is that everything revolves around the media & money $$$$. That includes the President of the United States & Tiger Woods among many others.

I have come to the conclusion that all public figures are now ENTERTAINERS. That includes our government officials & sports athletes. The media claims to be the source where we would get the “ truth” . They are so caught up in their world they don’t even know how to report the truth or facts anymore. They are the true capitalists – all they care about is $$$$. I think we should all turn off our televisions & stop reading the newspapers & all just sit down & talk again. Its time we all visited Washington DC. ALL OF US . Lets all show up on the same day sometime this summer.

I could go on & on. All I can say is I wasn’t a proponent of blogs & some of the new technology, but at least you are hearing from me directly & know you are getting facts & comments from me directly. Thanks to my Son Chris & John Doyle who set up this “blog” back in November.

I apologize for not writing earlier but just was not feeling well.

Many people have asked “ Why can I not comment ?” Its not open to the entire public. You have to have a google account to comment. Then you can sign in to comment. For those of you that have my email you can send me an email.

Anyway I am glad the way Chris & John set it up.

Lastly, I want to thank EVERYONE for the cards & everything I have received over the past few months. PLEASE ACCEPT MY GRATITUDE THROUGH THIS “BLOG”.

Your love & support has been overwhelming. Love to all of you & hope everyone has a great 2010 & a fantastic second decade !!

A Winter Wonderland in Rochester NY


  1. Mark,

    Keep the comments coming! With thoughts like that and the courage to write them for all to see, we just may send you to Washington to represent us.


  2. Mark,
    what a wonderful view out the window into this snowy winter wonderland. We do have all four seasons....looking forward to many more!
