Friday, December 25, 2009


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE !!! I am sure happy to be celebrating another Christmas this year thanks to all of the great Doctors, Nurses, Technicians & people that work at Strong Hospital & The Wilmot Cancer Center. Not to forget my family & friends that pray for me everyday. Thank You.
As I have to told you Christmas is a special time & always has been for me. Probably because I love to get presents ! This year with the help again of Gayle & Doug Hitchcock & Leila Doll our home is decorated to the max !! Over the past 20 years I have constantly picked up Christmas decorations for the house. This years theme created by Mary, Gayle & Leila is BELIEVE !! I can’t think of a better theme.
With all that is going on in the world today it is easy to give up hope & not believe but that is what the world wants us to do. So I ask anyone who reads this blog to begin to BELIEVE again. Most importantly believe in a “HIGHER POWER” greater than yourself. With all that has taken place in my life so far I truly believe that GOD exists. No matter what your religion, there is a GOD & God’s presence can be in each & every one of us. That is a choice for each of us to make.
Anyway , BELIEVE in something because anything is possible.
My favorite news story of the year was about US Airways Flight 1549 piloted by Capt. ‘ Sully’ Sullenberger. You gotta believe after seeing that story ! Truly amazing. "The Miracle on the Hudson". Miracles do happen! I can’t imagine how the lives of everyone on that flight that day have been changed. Do you think people on Flight 1549 were praying ?
I will end with this. My friend Jim Mrva sent me a story the other day. I won’t share the whole story but I will share what the story said about “ prayer”.
I believe God only gives three answers to prayers …
1. “YES!”
2. “ NOT YET.”
All I know is the God hears all of our prayers & that whatever happens , it happens for the best. Sometimes its not the answer we want but its always the best answer. Just think about it & look at your own life.
Just remember you always gotta BELIEVE !

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Update .. getting into the routine

Just a quick update 3 days before Christmas. I started week three of treatments yesterday. Everything is going well. As much as I want everyone’s sympathy I couldn’t be better.

This past weekend we had Andrew’s group home Christmas party, the Foxboro neighborhood party ( thanks Linda & John), Hot Stove League Luncheon , Buffalo Sabres game Saturday night with Brian , Ray Miller & Alec Miller. ( went to a shootout & lost to PITT – bummer). Sunday mass at Assumption & home to watch football & goof around with the family. ( and take a nap).

Needless to say my life is pretty normal. Most of you know I like to be active.

I really don’t know what to say. I think people are beginning to think I might be faking.

Anyway I am doing well at taking my MEDS. ( yuk) I am so lucky to have Chemo capsules instead of being hooked up to an IV drip. Took my Chemo capsules at the start of period three of the Sabres game Saturday night. Washed them down with a LABATTS BLUE LIGHT !! ( JUST KIDDING). I also get the weekends off from radiation. That is sweet.

Other than I cannot drive, life is pretty normal.

Oh no – just noticed hair all over the computer keyboard. Maybe headed to baldness !! Maybe things are not so normal. Just want to live each day as best I can.


Make sure to finish that Christmas shopping but most important try not to stress out.

PEACE – Mark.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BIZARRE - my word of the day,month & year

BIZARRE – that is the word to describe what is happening day to day with me. I still can’t quite accept that I had/have a brain tumor. I had surgery 35 days ago but it doesn’t seem real. I feel fantastic, there is no way I could be sick.

One thing that I am thankful for is that I have the chance to still be here with my family & friends. Even though I have the dreaded disease called cancer, because of the care I have received I have the opportunity to be with all of you.

I have thought over the past 5 weeks how tragic & sad it is when someone leaves this world in an instant. Obviously, I have become more aware of my mortality since 11/8/09. I have heard stories from family & friends of people that have died suddenly over the past several weeks. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to deal with sudden death of a loved one. I am not a biblical expert by any means, but I do know that Jesus said “ that we do not know the time or the place…”. I can only think of how hard it is for the loved ones that are left behind. I guess that is where someone's faith plays a major role.

Over the past several weeks I have met so many wonderful people. People I would have never met if I was not ill. Its sounds “ BIZARRE” but I am glad I have had the opportunity to meet these people. Everyone of us is important to one another.

Only 10 more days until Christmas !! The light of the world is coming … the daylight will be longer everyday !!! Daylight gets longer after 12/21/09 !!! I always look forward to getting by the “shortest” day of the year & headed toward the longest day JUNE 21st.

Last Friday after my 5th radiation treatment I asked the technicians this question. “ Am I getting radiation when the flashing lights are going off ?” They answered “ What flashing lights.”


Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Symptom story ( so I don't have to tell it anymore) ...

OK .. I have to do this for myself, my family & inquiring minds that want to know. I am asked how did his happen ? When did it start ? Why did it happen ?
I have no idea, but here is my symptom story… ( kind of detailed)
In the spring of 2009 my good friend & neighbor ( Dan Shultz) planned a golf trip to Kiawah Island. I had been lucky enough to be invited. In 2008 I played with his group of friends & was invited into the annual LINZY Cup tournament that they held annually. I am not going into details, but these guys are a blast to play golf with !!! It’s competitive, but most of all FUN – they way golf out to be played.
Fast Forward to October 17th 2009. I made the flight to Charleston, SC the morning of 10/17/09. The guys waited for me at the airport since I was supposed to fly in the evening before. I arrived on time ( thank God) & off we went to start playing golf at Kiawah. I need to mention that Dan plans the whole trip, all we do is show up. It’s wonderful.
We played 18 holes on Saturday, 36 holes on Sunday & the final 18 holes on Monday on the OCEAN COURSE !!!! Absolutely beautiful .. but a little chilly for 10/19.
My first symptom was on the fourth tee of the Ocean Course. I walked on the tee & said to my group … “ I don’t feel right. Something is wrong with me. I need to sit down. I feel light headed.” I found a seat on a “divot repair” box on the tee. My three playing partners teed off & I followed – that was the extent of my first real symptom.
Since being allowed to sneak away for three days of golf, when I returned to home the following Saturday my wife Mary snuck away to FL for a few days with her friend. That was October 24th. On October 24th I took a walk with my son Chris. While walking I again experienced this “ light headedness”. I had to sit down on the ground. If I didn’t I felt like I would fall over. Chris was worried & wanted to call an ambulance, but I said no .. 20 seconds later I was walking home with him. Chris demanded ( thank God) that I see a doctor. He proceeded to take me to Urgent Care about 1 mile from home.
Urgent Care is awesome. I waited 10 minutes, they took me in & checked me out ( ekg, & some neuro tests) . We determined it could have been a possible TIA ( mini stroke). Anyway, the doctor told Chris & I if it happened again to go to the ED department at a hospital.
Sure enough, that evening on the way to the Apple store ( to play with Apple computers) THE BEST computers in the world !!, as we pulled into the mall parking lot my symptoms appeared again. I stopped, put the car in park & said “ Chris, you need to drive me to the ED.” Chris did exactly what he needed to do.
We went to the ED department at Strong Hospital – they were great. Checked me out , did blood work, & I passed the tests. I was told to follow up with Neuro Out patient which I did on Monday 10/26. During my Neuro test the doc had me Hyper-Ventilate on a hunch – sure enough that brought on my symptoms so that is what we thought it was. I followed up with my Primary physician on 10/29. I passed all of the tests.
Well I went on with my daily life. On Monday 11/3 I flew with my good friend Harvey Taylor to visit my son ( Brian ) & his son ( Arthur) to play golf where Brian was finishing a six month internship. ( Woodmont CC in Rockville MD). We played 18 holes at Woodmont … absolutely beautiful. Brian even noticed that I was not hitting the ball & my right side seemed to be “ weak”. Brian is a great teacher of the game of golf & he noticed something. I just told him I was getting “old”. We had a blast playing golf with our friends Harv & Arthur that day.
Well, the next morning while at the BWI hotel I had another “attack”. Again it lasted maybe a minute or two. Let it happen & back to getting on with the day. I flew to TPA to meet with my Mom to finalize the big 90th party for my DAD on 12/4/09. Everything went well, it was great to visit with Mom & Dad & I flew home.
We are almost there. On Sunday 11/8 I was at the kitchen table & guess what , another episode, except this time I had witnesses. I went on the kitchen floor & told my wife don’t worry it will go away. My friends who also witnessed this event & said “ call your doctor”. I did . The doc on call said go to the ED. I did.
Finally they did a CAT scan that afternoon on Sunday 12/8. That is when they found the tumor. That afternoon they did an MRI & confirmed what I had.
I was admitted that evening& on 12/11/09 Dr . Silberstein performed a Craniotomy to remove the tumor. He was very successful in surgery & now I am in treatment to zap whatever is left.
That is my story, so if anyone asks they will have to read this because I don’t want to tell it anymore. Its time to move on.
All I can say to all of you out there, is listen to your body & mind. If it is telling you something – CHECK IT OUT. If it wasn’t for my son Chris I probably would have done nothing. ( Male EGO).
I have said for years that you can have all the riches in the world, but if you don’t have your health the riches & everything else are meaningless. So basically, take care of yourself physically, mentally & most of all SPIRITUALLY because that is what counts.

You also gotta have some fun, playing golf, sailing, climbing mountains or whatever you like to do !!

The 2009 Linzy Cup Team!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The word of the day & month ... PATIENCE !

Today is the day … Monday December 7th 2009. Most of you know what happened 68 years ago .. the attack on Pearl Harbor & a war began. Dec 7th 1941 – “ a day which will live in infamy.” I guess you could say my war against cancer begins today. I start my radiation & chemotherapy process today ! I can’t say I am excited about it, but it’s something that has to be done. I am a little anxious & scared, but, hopeful & optimistic that miracles happen. Miracles, have already happened in the last several weeks !

The word of the next 18 days is PATIENCE !! I say that because we are in the Advent season waiting for the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Christmas time has always been a special time for me since I was a kid. ( ok – so I am still a kid !) Anyway, everyone gets wrapped up in the busyness of the season. What I hope for is that everyone can take a minute or two each day ( preferably 15 minutes) and meditate on the true meaning of Christmas. THE BIRTH OF OUR SAVIOR. JESUS & WHAT THAT MEANS TO THE WORLD.

With our busy lives & all this new technology ( cell phones,emails,texting,facebook) it seems like we are always moving faster & faster. I know that is the way of the world but I think we begin to lose the meaning & spirit of our lives. Don’t get me wrong, all of this new technology is wonderful. It is a gift from up above. It’s amazing !! As I have told many of my health care providers over the past several weeks “ I don’t know how you do it, but I am glad you do.”

Over the past several months I began to lose patience with business, family & friends. I think it is just a sign of these stressful economic times. At times I think that “attitude” may have added to the condition I have today.

My word of advice is to be PATIENT with yourself & others during this Christmas season. Let this time be a Merry & Happy time, not a stressful time. I know its hard to do, but if you take a moment to stop & pray it will make the season more enjoyable than ever !!!

Let the games begin today … I will keep you posted on my treatment progress. Be PATIENT !! Say a prayer today that our world can find peace. The peace starts within each one of us.

PS – Just to let you know. This illness is harder on Mary & the kids than it is on me. Please keep them in your prayers also & please call in advance if you are going to visit us.


Friday, December 4, 2009

Time really does fly in the present moment , it truly is a PRESENT!

Has it really been 8 days since Thanksgiving ? Time goes by so fast. Is it like that for all of you ? Fast motion…time to slow down a little.
This week we made the trek to the National Institute of Health in Bethesda MD. Mary & I were accompanied by our good friends John & Lauren Doyle. It was great to have them with us. Just another adventure to log in our life book. ( We have had many adventures with John & Lauren). Better yet their Children Jack & Alexandra joined us for dinner. They both live in the DC area.
The best part of the trip was dinner !! John made a reservation at BLACKSALT FISH MARKET in the Georgetown area. DELICIOUS ! Better yet – an old friend ( not really old) showed up to say Hello ! –TERRY MCAULIFFE from Syracuse NY. It was great to see him. What I love about Terry is that he is a world renowned person but best of all he is still a down to earth SYRACUSAN. Terry is an energetic guy that has seized the opportunities that have been put in front of him. He is an amazing guy!
We enjoyed the conversation with Terry and the food was UNBELIEVABLE !! FOUR STARS **** for Blacksalt Fish Market. If you are ever in the DC area make sure to give it a try.
NIH checked the protocol for my treatment at Wilmot Cancer & gave it the “thumbs up”. The NIH is quite a facility. Thanks to my neice Jennifer I was able to speak with the "docs" & learn more about tmy condition. I found out that I am blessed to have such a wonderful treatment center in my backyard. A big “thank you “ to everyone involved at the Wilmot Cancer Center. They are doing what needs to be done right here in Rochester.
Yesterday I went for my “trial run” simulation for radiation treatment. The staff was great & it only took about 15 minutes. The great news is that the radiation treatment will only take a maximum of 20-30 minutes each day Monday –Friday. It is amazing to see the equipment that is used to treat cancer patients. Thank God for scientists & inventors and the technicians that run these machines !
I just can’t believe how fast everything is moving. Has to be the Steroids ! ( they have something to do with it.) I just want you to know that we are headed in the right direction. I can’t thank you enough for all of the cards & well wishes.
People ask “ How do I feel ?” My response is I feel great, but I am sick. It makes no sense to me. It certainly puts things in perspective. The only thing I can say is it is important to live life with a sense of BALANCE. Its important to look at your everyday life & ask yourself “ Am I in balance with myself & my community”. If the answer is yes – great. If the answer is no – then you need to step back & get back in balance --- SPIRITUALY-EMOTIONALY-PHYSICALLY.
Its not easy , nobody’s perfect but we can all work on it.

Dinner @ BlackSalt Fish Market
Mary, Mark, Terry, Jack,
Alexandra, John, Lauren

Norbert W. Muench, Capt. USCG

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Foxboro Golf Open Featuring Mark Muench

Mark Muench competing in the Foxboro open in Fairport NY on the 19th hole.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

HAPPY THANKSGIVING - Amazing things are happening

I know I am thankful today. I guess everyday should be considered Thanksgiving.

If I told you, you wouldn’t believe it, but its true. There are angels walking amidst us everyday. Since returning home & getting stronger my closest angels are my family. I cannot drive so they all take turns driving me to where I have to go. It’s especially nice when I am with my son Chris because he is a good driver who takes his time ( not like his dad!) Mary has been making her delicious soups & cooking & Brian is helping with many chores that need to be done.

All of my health care providers have been wonderful. I started Physical Therapy with Kathy Leonard who rehabbed my Achilles tendon injury in 1997. She is the best ! I am walking better everyday & only use a cane for safety ( and to get sympathy !)

What is truly amazing is the energy I have … STEROIDS ! That is what the docs say .. but I think it is from up above.

I start my radiation & chemo treatments on 12/7/09 at the Wilmot Cancer Center@ Strong. It will be a 6 week regiment. I was fitted for my radiation mask 0n Thursday. The people at the Wilmot Cancer Center are so nice.

All of what has happened has certainly put things in perspective. What is truly important are the people that are close to you in everyday life. The most important person is “ yourself ” – not in a selfish way. If you don’t take care of yourself spiritually & physically you can’t take care of someone else. So start with yourself.

I have to give credit for learning that at Matt Talbot Ministries in Rochester, NY. If it wasn’t for that ministry, my life would be much different. Remember the angels I was talking about ! I met some there.

More recently I have encountered so many wonderful people because of my illness. Just think if I wasn’t ill I would have never met them.

Just so you know I have had moments of just being plain “scared”. There is no definitive answer as to “ how long”. Only God knows the answer to that one. At one point in the hospital I thought “ this is it.” However, Mary & I believe in MIRACLES .. and a MIRACLE will take place.

I know all of your prayers are heard. Please also pray for other sick people that you know. The power of prayer can be unbelievable.

Also. A BIG “ THANK YOU” for all of the cards, letters, flowers, food etc. I have enough … just say a prayer each day that is all I/we need.

I doubt I will be able to respond to all of the wonderful things people have sent my way so all I can say is “ Thanks”.

Just remember this … Miracles happen and do happen everyday. You just have to open your eyes. If you keep them open I guarantee you will see an angel. God knows we need more angels in this world we live in.


PS - Check out the movie/dvd - AUGUST RUSH. It's a pretty good story. Very sentimental but has a good message. If you have HBO it is on this month. ( sorry I am spoiled)

Jennifer, Marcy, Mary, Kathy and Mark

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Starting another journey .......

Eleven days after brain surgery …. A MIRACLE ! I am sitting at home with my family & would like to go out and play 18 holes of golf !! Unfortunately I have some difficulty walking so that won’t be happening. Don’t worry I started PT yesterday & they will have me walking better in no time.

THANKS for all of the prayers & support, that is what makes the difference.

Lou Gehrig said he was the “ luckiest man on the face of the earth “. I know what he meant. I am standing in his shoes.

Thanks to my surgeon ( Dr. Howard Silberstein) & the staff at Strong Memorial I am making an amazing recovery.

So here is where we are at as of today. I have been diagnosed with a brain tumor called a Glioblastoma. Most of it was removed but a little remains. I will start treatment in 2-3 weeks ( radiation & chemo-therapy ) combined. I will be treated at the Wilmot Cancer Center @ Strong Memorial Hospital.

Again, I want to thank all of you for your support. Keep praying .. it works !

Most of all what you can do for me & my family is to DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE LESS FORTUNATE THAN OURSELVES.

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Family is the most important thing we all have … so cherish it. I believe if you have a strong faith, family & friends that you can make it through anything.

PEACE --- Mark.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I am Blessed !

Hello Everyone !! A week ago today I was preparing for surgery at 12:15 pm. I arrived home on Monday 11/16 @ 3:15 pm.

THANK YOU ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for all your thoughts & prayers over the past week. I could feel everyone of them. That has what has pulled me through & will continue to do so. I am so blessed to have the best family & friends in the world.

I want you all to know that STRONG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (URMC) is the BEST medical facility in the world ! ( I am not kidding) The care I received from the moment I checked in the ED on Sunday 11/8 was unbelievable. People make the place & experience. The employees at SMH are fantastic. The first people that made an impression on me were the "transporters". They wheel you from procedure to procedure. They don't know who you are & they don't know what condition you may have but they are very important because most people would rather be somewhere else at that given point in time. Their smile & voice make all the difference.

The administrators, nurses. techs, doctors are the BEST in the world at SMH. They brought me into their home, fixed me up & sent me home. They did their job & a good one at that. Thanks to all of them I can begin my road to recovery.

Well - believe it or not getting tired already ... will start workouts soon. I will try to keep you posted daily on the blog & stay in contact with you.

Thanks again for your support & prayers they mean the world to me & my family.


Picture of my surgeon Dr. Howard Silberstein

Monday, November 16, 2009

There's no place like home.....

Mark is so appreciative for the world-class care and all the kindness and he received at Strong but it sure is great to be home at last!

If you click on the Flickr Photostream on the right you can see some of the pictures from the hospital and some from when Mark, Mary and the boys got home today. The big sign in the neighborhood that reads, “WE [love] U MARK” says it all!

Mark sounds and looks great but, as you can imagine, he’s still pretty tired and needs some rest. Mark and Mary are still requesting your patience and to hold off on visiting for a couple of more days while they get acclimated to being back home. They continue to feel so blessed by all the support they have received. Every thought, prayer and encouraging word has made a difference. Mark, Mary, Andrew, Brian and Chris send their love and thanks to all!

P.S. For those that haven't joined it already please check out the "Pray for Mark Muench" group on Facebook!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Steve Jobs sends prayers out for Mark!

Chris sent an email to Steve Jobs, the famous CEO of Apple Computer telling him about Mark’s surgery and to ask him to pray for him. Chris didn’t do this just because he is an Apple fan but also because Steve Jobs is a cancer survivor.

Sure enough, Steve replied to Chris’s email within a matter of hours! He said he would send some prayers out for Mark and wished the whole family well!

How cool is that?! It’s great to have friends in high places and we don’t just mean Steve Jobs! ☺

Friday, November 13, 2009

Update: We feel so blessed by your kindness....

Hi everyone!

Mark and Mary along with Andrew, Brian and Chris are so grateful for the outpouring of support they have received from so many family and friends! They are truly touched by the love and kindness that has been shown to them!

As you can imagine, Mark is pretty tired from the surgery and all the activity. For the next couple of days Mark and Mary would like to limit visitors at the hospital to give Mark a chance to rest up and assist his recovery. Mark might be home as soon as Monday and it will be a lot easier for him to see visitors there. We’ll keep you posted.

Many have asked about sending flowers. Mark has asked that if you wanted to send something to consider a donation in lieu of flowers to either:

Fairport Challenger Baseball
c/o Ken Minor
36 Shannon Glenn
Fairport, NY 14450


Matt Talbot Ministries.
514 Oxford St.
Rochester, NY 14607


The Perl Foundation. (Computer Software Programming Language)
6832 Mulderstraat
Grand Ledge, MI 48837

The thoughts and prayers are making a difference. Please keep them coming. Mark, Mary, Andrew, Brian and Chris feel truly blessed and are so thankful for your love and support!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My Dad loves photos and there are zillions on his computer. We will be uploading photos frequently. We will pick out the best as he recovers. You can see them by clicking on "View Flickr Photostream" on the right side of the page.

4th Update

My Dad Mark Muench had a successful surgery to remove a tumor from his brain. He is recovering fast inside ICU. He loves everyone and wants everyone to pray and have fun!

3rd Update

My Dad Mark Muench is currently being closed up and stable. The Dr. will be here within the hour.

2nd Update

My Dad's surgery is going as planned and we hope it completes in 1-2 hours.

Surgery Started

My Dad Mark Muench surgery is underway. Pray for him.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


My Dad, Mark Muench is scheduled to have surgery Wednesday 10/11/2009 afternoon to determine what the mass is inside his brain (and remove if possible). The mass is 2cm x 3cm. As usual Mark is in good spirits and enjoying life. Update to follow after surgery. Pray for the best.